My Shadow
I wished to hide behind my shadow..
But I was the man searching for his own shadow..
I saw a lot of shadows unknown who belonged..
Where were their masters?.
Where were the people?.
Where was my shodow?.
There was nowhere to hide..
I had to hide behind my shadow..
B'cause there were no people..
Shadows without people were chasing me..
While I was running to escape from their darkness..
I saw my shadow crying to have a broken heart..
Why coulnd't I cried as my shadow did?.
My eyes said tears couldn't find a way to flow..
My tears didn't have any gap the world was too narrow..
I heard sky saying I was still living on the shade of the world..
Time was ready to erase shadows of people from the shade of this world..
Then I wished to hide behind my shadow..
But I was the man searching for his own shadow..
I saw a lot of shadows unknown who belonged..
But where were their masters?.
Where were the people?.
Where was my shadow?.
and where was the world?!